KeyPRP Frequently Asked Questions

The CERVOS PRP System can produce PRP in either a Single or Double Spin Process. 
A “Single Spin” Process creates a “Buffy Coat” Layer between the RBC and Plasma Layers.
A “Double Spin” Process creates a “Buffy Coat” during the Second Spin.  The First Spin of the
Double Process  keeps all Platelets Suspended in Plasma preventing Aggregation (Clumping) 

The CERVOS PRP is considered a Leukocyte Rich PRP System.  However, it is critical to understand the various Leukocytes /
White Blood Cells (WBCs) involved.  CERVOS PRP is rich in Agranulocytes and Poor in Granulocytes.

Lighter Agranulocytes (Monocytes, Lymphocytes) are Phagocytic (Engulf and Destroy) Pathogens. 
They fight Infection and provide an important Anti-Microbial Protection.

Heavier Granulocytes (Basophils and Eosinophils) are Chemotactic (attract) other cells to migrate to sites of Inflammation
and Infection, potentially making the situation worse.

CERVOS PRP is Agranulocyte Rich and Granulocyte Poor!

The visible packed Platelet/White Blood Cell Layer after centrifugation. 
Buffy Coat PRP Systems utilize different preparation protocols producing varying compositions of Monocyte, Lymphocyte and
Neutrophil ratios in PRP.. Leukocytes greatly influence the intrinsic biology of acute and chronic tissue conditions because of their immune
and host-defense mechanisms. The presence of specific leukocytes in PRP can cause significant cellular and tissue effects.
Eosinophils and Basophils are typically not measurable in PRP formulations as their cell membrane is too fragile to withstand the centrifugal processing forces

Each CERVOS PRP Kit can process as little as 10mL up to 40mL Anticoagulated Blood.

There are markings on each CERVOS PRP Kit indicating the possibility to produce an approximate end volume between 2mL, 5mL, and 10mL

CERVOS PRP Kits are available in Single, Double or Triple Packs.

Platelet Recovery is the Total Number of Platelets multiplied by the Total Blood Volume.
Divided by the Total Number of Platelets in the Final PRP multiplied by the PRP Volume,

X Factor:  Over Native Level

1.) Fill CEVOS PRP Kit with Anticoagulated Blood to Desired Volume i.e. 30mL.

2.) Process:  1900g for 2 Min

3.) Decant Cloudy Plasma to 2nd CERVOS Kit

4.) Process: 1900g for 6 Min.

5.) Draw Off Excess Plasma, Draw off Residual PRP

1.) Fill CEVOS PRP Kit with Anticoagulated Blood to Desired Volume i.e. 30mL.

2.) Process:  1900g for 6 Min

3.) Draw Off Excess Plasma

4.) Draw off Residual PRP

Yes, Anticoagulant is important to prevent Platelet Aggregation (Clumping).

Typically, ACD-A or Citrate Dextrose Solution (3-4)% is used in 10% Ratio i.e. 3mL Anticoagulant for 30mL Blood

The CERVOS PRP System is 100% Closed System.

Implements Sterile One-Way Locking Valves.

Needleless Operation

No Venting Ports Required